Hormone Replacement Therapy Breast Cancer Risk In Perspective Walk to beat breast cancer Six Steps to Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer Early Breast Cancer Detection African American Women Need Earlier Screening for Breast Cancer
Prostate Cancer Which Treatment Is The Correct One
Now That You Have Cancer Whats Your Strategy Article 5 of 6
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Breast Cancer Information and News
This site is dedicated to bringing you information about breast cancer, its symptoms, causes, and treatment options.
Breast Cancer is one of the most one of the most common cancers in women, and it also affects a small number of men each year. Early detection and prevention are they keys to beating breast cancer.
Hormone Replacement Therapy Breast Cancer Risk In Perspective
Many women have concluded that recent study results show that hormone replacement therapy increases breast cancer risk. A closer look at this study shows that the increase in risk was far less than half a per cent a year and may not be due to...
Breast Cancer Prevention And Cure Cancer is the second leading cause of death in North America (after heart and other cardiovascular diseases) and breast cancer is among the leading causes of death among women. Cancer prevention, not cancer research or cure, is therefore a top...
Breast Cancer Prevalence
In November 2003, the American Cancer Society stated that breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 40 and 44. In the United States, there are approximately 200,000 new cases of breast cancer and more than 40,000...
Gift Giving for Breast Cancer Patients and Their Families
Did you know that each year, 182,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer and 43,300 die? One woman in eight either has or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. In addition, 1,600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 400 will die...
Early Breast Cancer Detection
Most women are familiar with mammography as our "gold standard" for breast cancer screening. However, there are additional tools available that women can add to their arsenal.
One of the most effective tools in breast cancer screening is...
Breast Cancer Prevention Is The Cure October has been Breast Cancer Awareness month since 1985. In the coming days, pink ribbons will emerge in abundance, symbolizing the efforts of educational and fund raising events that take place to find the “cure”, and offering hope to those...
Discussing Breast Cancer with Others Could Save Someones Life
(ARA) - Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for women ages 40 to 59. This year alone, more than 200,000 women will be diagnosed with the disease. Another 40,000 will die from it. Even though early detection is critical to survival and...
Breast Cancer Education Gets Visual
Hormone Replacement Therapy: Breast Cancer Risk In Perspective
Many women have concluded that recent study results show that hormone replacement therapy increases breast cancer risk. A closer look at this study shows that the increase in risk was far less than half a per cent a year and may not be due to...