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Internal medicine

Internal medicine is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, that is, those that is, those which affect internal organs or the body as a whole. There is some overlap between internal medicine and primary care (or family medicine). A physician who practices internal medicine is an internist. Topics in Internal medicine cardiology coronary heart disease -- cardiac arrhythmias -- heart attack -- ischaemic heart disease gastroenterology oesophagus achalasia -- Barrett's disease -- cancer of oesophagus -- heart burn hiatus hernia -- reflux oesophagitis -- oesophageal pouch stomach cancer of stomach -- gastric ulcer -- Helicobacter pylori small bowel giardia -- coeliac disease -- Crohn's disease -- lymphoma -- Meckel's diverticulum -- malabsorption pancreas carcinoma of pancreas -- cystic fibrosis -- diabetes -- pancreatitis vermiform appendix appendicitis -- carcinoid tumour colon colon cancer -- Crohn's disease -- diarrhea -- diverticulitis -- infective colitis -- ulcerative colitis -- more... endocrinology thyroid hypothyroidism -- Graves disease -- thyroid cancer -- thyroiditis parathyroid disease hyperparathyroidism -- hypoparathyroidism pituitary hormones acromegaly -- pituitary tumours -- prolactinoma adrenal cortex adrenal failure -- Conn's syndrome (mineralocorticoids) -- Cushing's disease (cortisone) infectious diseases -- tropical medicine haematology/oncology blood cancer hepatology liver hepatocarcinoma -- liver transplant -- metastatic tumour -- non-viral hepatitis -- viral hepatitis -- gallbladder cancer of gallbladder -- cholecytitis -- gallstones nephrology glomerulonephritis -- kidney stones -- polycystic disease -- pyelonephritis -- renal carcinoma -- renal dialysis -- renal failure -- test of renal function Pulmonology or Respiratory medicine Respiratory system -- Lungs -- Asthma -- Chronic bronchitis -- Lung cancer -- Pneumonia -- Bronchial asthma -- Chronic obstructive lung disease

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