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Organ transplant

An organ transplant is the transplantation of an organ (or part of one) from one body to another, for the purpose of replacing the recipient's damaged or failing organ with a working one from the donor. Blood transfusion and bone marrow transplants are special cases of a transplant where the tranplanted part of the body is renewable; in other cases, the organ donor either has another of the same organ (such as lungs or kidneys), or has been declared brain dead. Organs that can currently be transplanted include: * Liver * Kidney * Lung * Heart * Corneas * Skin (a skin graft) * Blood vessels The heart and lungs are sometimes transplanted together, in a heart-lung transplant. Other forms of organ transplants include * Head transplant Organ transplants that can not be berformed today include * Whole-body transplant * cardia or Lower Esophageal Sphincter(LES) for achalasia.

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