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List of ologies

Informally, an ology is a field of study or academic discipline ending in the suffix -ology. Etymology The word ology is a back-formation from the names of these disciplines. Such words are formed from Greek or Latin roots with the terminal -logy derived from the Greek suffix -λογια (-logia), speaking, from λεγειν (legein), to speak. The word ology is thus misleading as the 'o' is actually part of the word stem that receives the -logy ending. For example, the bio part of biology stems from Greek βιος (bios), life. This is why some of the words do not end in -ology (such as mineralogy). Other words ending in ology Not all words ending in -ology are ologies in the above sense. In some words such as tautology and haplology, the -logy suffix is from the Greek λογοσ, word, and denotes not a field of study but a type of speech or writing. For example, haplology means the mistake of saying one letter, syllable or word when two or more are required, as in the example of pronouncing the word "February" somewhat like "Febuary". Even 'technology' isn't a discipline as such, more a description of an improvement. It should also be pointed out that some words mean to study something, but aren't called ologies -- midwifery is one example. A famous British television commercial of the 1980s has a Jewish student phoning his grandmother to confirm his exam results. He is disappointed that he has only passed Sociology, but his grandmother will have none of it. "Anthony," she insists, "if you get an ology, you're a scientist!" A listing of ologies A * Acarology, the study of ticks and mites * Actinology, the study of the effect of light on chemicals * Actinobiology, the study of the effects of radiation upon living organisms * Aerology, the study of the free atmosphere * Aeropalynology, the study of pollen grains and spores (palynomorphs) in the atmosphere * Aetiology, the medical study of the causation of disease * Agnoiology, the study of things of which we are by nature ignorant, or of things which cannot be known * Agrobiology, the study of plant nutrition and growth in relation to soil conditions * Algology, the study of algae * Allergology, the study of the causes and treatment of allergies; a branch of medicine * Andrology, the study of male health and disease * Angelology, the study of angels * Angiology, the study of the anatomy of blood and lymph vascular systems * Anthropology, the study of humans * Arachnology, the study of spiders and their kin * Archaeology, the study of ancient history * Assyriology, the study of the Assyrians * Astrology, the study of stars' influences on human affairs * Autecology, the study of the ecology of any individual species * Axiology, the study of the nature of values and value judgements B * Bacteriology, the study of bacteria * Balneology, the scientific study of baths, bathing and of their application to disease * Bioecology, the study of the relationship of organisms to each other and to their environment * Bioclimatology, the study of the effects of climate on living organisms * Biology, the study of life * Biometeorology, the study of the effects of atmospheric conditions on living organisms * Bryology, the study of bryophytes * Byzantology, the study of Byzantium C * Campanology, the study and the art of bell ringing * Cardiology, the study of the heart * Carpology, the study of the structure of seeds and fruit * Cerealogy, the study of crop circles * Cetology, the study of marine mammals * Chorology, the study of the relationship of biological or other phenomena to their locations * Chronology the study of things in order of time or the study of time * Climatology, the study of the climate * Conchology, the study of shells and of molluscs * Cosmology, the study of the cosmos or our place in it. * Craniology, the study of the characteristics of the skull * Criminology, the scientific study of crime. * Cryptology, the study of how to encrypt and decrypt secret messages * Cryptozoology, the study of animals that may or may not be mythical * Cytology, the study of biological cells D * Deltiology, the study of, but more often the collecting of picture postcards * Demonology, the study of demons * Dendrology, the study of trees * Dendrochronology, the study of the age of trees and the records in their rings * Dermatology, the field of medicine that deals with the skin * Dialectology, the study of dialects E * Ecclesiology, the study of Church architecture and decoration, or separately the study of the Christian Church * Ecology, the study of the environment * Ecophysiology, the study of the interrelationship between an organism's physical functioning and its environment * Egyptology, the study of the ancient Egyptians * Electrophysiology, the study of the relationship between electric phenomena and bodily processes * Embryology, the study of embryos * Emetology, the study or knowledge of emetics * Endocrinology, the study of internal secretory glands * Enigmatology, the study of enigmas * Entomology, the study of insects * Enzymology, the study of enzymes * Epidemiology, the study of epidemics * Epistemology, the study of the nature and origins of knowledge * Eschatology, a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of mankind * Ethnology, the study of race * Ethnomusicology, the study of music in society, usually non-western music * Ethology, the study of animal behaviour * Etiology, same as Aetiology * Etymology, the study of word origins * Exobiology, the study of life in outer space G * Gastrology or Gastroenterology - diseases of stomach and intestines * Genecology, the study of genetic differences in relation to the environment * Genealogy (commonly misspelt as "geneology"), the study of relationships within families particularly with a view to constructing family trees * Geochronology, the study of the age of the Earth * Geology, the study of the Earth * Gerontology, the study of old age * Glaciology, the study of glaciers * Grammatology, the study of writing systems * Graphology, the study of handwriting for the purpose of analysing the character of the writer * Gynaecology or Gynecology, the study of medicine relating to women, or of women in general H * Hematology/Haematology, the study of blood * Heliology, the study of the Sun * Helioseismology, the study of vibrations and oscillations in the Sun * Helminthology, the study of parasitic worms * Herbology, the study of the therapeutic use of plants * Herpetology, the study of reptiles * Histology, the study of living tissues * Histopathology, the study of the (microscopic) structure of diseased tissues * Historiology, the study of the writings and practices of historians * Horology, the study of making timepieces, measuring time and timekeeping * Hydrology, the study of water * Hydrogeology, the study of underground water I * Ichthyology, the study of fish * Immunology, the study of the immune system J * Japanology, the study of Japanese culture K * Killology, the study of human beings killing other human beings (Grossman's Theory) * Koreanology, the study of Korea * Kremlinology, the study of communist Soviet Union * Kymatology, the study of waves or wave motions L * Laryngology, the study of voice boxes * Limnology, the study of fresh water enviroments, particularly lakes * Lithology, the study of rocks * Lymphology, the study of the lymph system and glands M * Malacology, the study of mollusks * Mammology, the study of mammals * Meteorology, the study of weather * Methodology, (properly) the study of methods * Metrology, the study of measurement * Mineralogy, the study of minerals * Microbiology, the study of microorganisms and their effects on humans * Morphology, the study of forms; more precisely the study of the grammatical structure of words, a branch of linguistics * Musicology, the study of music * Mycology , the study of fungi * Myology the scientific study of muscles * Mythology, the study of myths N * Nanotechnology, the study and design of machines at the molecular level * Neonatology, the study of diseases and the care of newborn infants; a branch of pediatrics/paediatrics * Nephology, the study of clouds * Nephrology, the study of the kidneys and their diseases, a branch of medicine * Neurology, the study of nerves * Neuropathology, the study of neural diseases * Neurophysiology, the study of the functions of the nervous system * Nosology, the study of diseases * Nostology, the study of ageing and senility, in relation to a return to childish characteristics in old age * Numerology, the study of numbers (often in a non-mathematical sense) O * Oceanology, the study of oceans * Odontology, the study of the structure, development, and abnormalities of the teeth * Omphalology, facetious name for the non-existent medical specialty that treats of navels, which has been used in a manner similar to the way the word widget is used in economics textbooks * Oncology, the study of cancer * Ontology, the study of existence * Oology, the study of eggs * Ophthalmology, the study of the eyes * Organology, the study of musical instruments (not just organs); alternatively, the study of anatomical organs * Ornithology, the study of birds * Orology, the study of mountains and their mapping * Osteology, the study of bones * Otology, the study of the structure, function, and pathology of the ear P * Palaentology, the study of ancient creatures * Paleoanthropology, the study of ancient humans and human origin * Palynology, the study of pollen * Parapsychology, the study of psychological events outside conventional scienc. * Pathology, the study of illness * Pedology, the study of soil * Pekingology, the study of communist People's Republic of China * Penology, the study of prison management and criminal rehabilitation. * Petrology, the study of sedimentary organic matter in rocks * Pharmacology, the study of drugs * Phenomenology, the study and science of phenomena as distinct from the science of actual existence or being; also a movement founded by Husserl which studies conscious experience without its metaphysical concerns * Phonology, the study of vocal sounds * Phrenology, the derivation of a persons character traits, by studying the shape of their skull * Physiology, the study of bodies, usually of animals * Phytology, the study of plants; botany * Planktology, the study of plankton * Primatology, the study of primates * Psychobiology, the study and psychology of organisms with regard to their functions and structures * Psychology, the study of mental processes in humans * Psychophysiology, the study of the physiological bases of psychological processes R * Radiology, the study of rays, usually ionising radiation * Reflexology, originally the study of reflexes or of reflex responses; but see also non-study list * Rheology, the study of flow * Rheumatology, the study of rheumatic diseases, a branch of medicine * Rhinology, the study of the nose and its diseases S * Seismology, the study of earthquakes * Semiology the study of signs and symbols * Selenology, the study of the moon, a branch of astrology * Serology, the study of blood serum * Sexology, the study of sex * Sinology, the study of China * Speleology, the study or exploration of caves * Sociology, the study of society * Stomatology, the study of the mouth and its diseases * Symbology, the study of symbols * Symptomatology, the study of symptoms * Synecology, the study of the ecological interrelationships among communities of organisms T * Technology, the study of the practical arts (but see above) * Teleology, the study of ends or final causes * Teratology, the study of wonders, or monsters * Theriology, the study of mammals * Theology, the study of God * Thremmatology, the study of breeding domestic plants and animals * Tocology, the study of childbirth * Topology, the mathematical study of closeness and connectedness * Toxicology, the study of poisons * Traumatology, the study of wounds and injuries caused by accidents or assaults and their surgical treatment and repair; a branch of medicine * Tribology, the study of friction and lubrication * Typology, the study of classification U * Urology, the study and treatment of diseases of the urogenital tract, a branch of medicine V * Venereology, the study of venereal diseases * Vexillology, the study of flags * Victimology, the study of victims of crime, often applied to characterizing the criminal * Virology, the study of viruses * Volcanology (also spelled vulcanology), the study of volcanoes and related phenomena (traps) X * Xenobiology, the study of non-terrestrial life * Xylology, the study of wood Z * Zoology, the study of animals Words ending in -ology that are not fields of study, and thus not "ologies" in the sense of this article, are: * Apology o a statement of regret. o an explanation for or justification of beliefs. * Chronology is the arrangement or setting out of past events in order of occurrence; the recording of historical events in date sequence. * Deontology, the ethical theory concerned with duties and rights * Doxology, a spoken or sung end of a prayer. * Eulogy, though not an -ology, is a commemoration of a person's life at his/her funeral. * Hagiology is literature dealing with the life of a saint or, indeed, any revered person, a biography of an individual, rather than a study of saints, sainthood or saintliness in general. * Kibology, joke religion worshiping Kibo * Philology, the historical study of languages. This is not a ology in the strict sense, because it is not the study (-ologia) of love (philo-), but the love (philo-) of literature (logia). * Phraseology is the way words are put together, therefore the style being used in a sentence, or the set of phrases or the choice of words used by any particular group of people, a type of register, then, that reflects the form of language used in a certain social situation in which particular subjects are being discussed. Examples of register (phraseology) are: (obscene) slang, legal language (legalese), journalese, the jargon of the racecourse, or the special words or phrases used in certain occupations, as only a few of a very numerous category. * Reflexology, alternative method of massage, therapy or pressure on certain points of the sole of the feet as a means of relieving nervous tension * Scientology, the belief system/cult religion founded by L. Ron Hubbard, self-described as a study of knowledge. * Soteriology is the doctrine of a coming end of time or of the world. * Tautology, a self-affirming truth. * Terminology, a set of words and/or phrases, usually in relation to some particular canon or field of study e.g. 'mathematical terminology'. * Tetralogy of Fallot, an abnormality of the heart consisting of four deformities that often occur together * Trilogy (although not strictly an -ology) is a body of writing in three parts, as tetralogy is that in four parts. * Tropology, the use of tropes in speech or writing

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